What's up Players? Well, it finally happened. Seems like that A-Bomb I was talking about last time wasn't one full of knowledge. Turns out it was full of shit, because since it blew up I've been forehead deep. The levees have finally broke, and they buried me in the mess. 2011 sure as hell ain't been the year of Boosh.
For starters my woman finally came to her senses and gave me the boot. She's been threatening it for a while but I guess something I did fried a microchip inside her, because I was outta there faster then you could say "Boosh leave." Now this was pre-arranged to be one of those "trial separation" deal, but two days later she called the whole mess off. I got thrown off of that ride real quick like. Now, normally you'd think that I could bounce back real quick from that, which I did sort of. The thing I bounced off of though was my knee, and landed in the hospital.
Turns out I completely tore my ACL and meniscus. Now, when Bill Murrays girlfriend left him in Stripes, Harold Ramis told him "Hey, you still got your health!" Well, I don't. I gotta get surgery. The only thing that's gonna come out of that one is some killer pain meds. But that will only last a few days before I get sick of them. So not only will I be single and depressed, but I'll be bedridden as well. So basically, I'm gonna be assed out.
You won't see be seine Boosh trollin for ladies out there on the streets, because I can't walk. And you aren't going to see him doing that same thing on the internet, because I don't even want to. All in all, I can say things have been better. I gotta get some wheels, man. Maybe a sweet 80 something honda. Or maybe thats shooting too high. I should probably just get myself a wheelchair so I can roll my ass into some on-coming traffic. I'll keep you guys updated.
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