Whats up players!? Hope all has been well because it sure hasn't been going so hot over here. The shit creek has finally overflown all over the boosh homestead.
To start things off, I moved about a month ago. Now sure, this might not seem like a big deal to most of you but it's really interfering with my school. Now, instead of an easy downhill skate to the bus stop, I have to go about 4 more blocks then normal. Boosh may be a lot of things, but highly motivated sure as hell ain't one of them. So now I gotta find a way to haul ass out of bed and skate to the bus stop by 1:30 in the afternoon. Mixing two parts laziness and one life crushing hangover sure as shit does not show up in the recipe for success. Needless to say, I haven't been running at my full potential.
On top of that off my bus pass is about to expire. So now even if I get juiced up enough to leave the house, it's gonna be up to me and my own two legs to get me there. Sure, I could pay for the bus, but you think I'm made of money? I can't think of five places I'd want to go that's worth the $3 round trip fee. If I wanted to pay money to sit in closed quarters with a bunch of crackheads, bums and aggressive maniacs, I'd just go buy a drink at some shitty bar in Echo Park. Looks like this winters going to be a lonely one, because I don't see me leaving the house much.
I could get someone to pick me up, but that's a tricky situation. It seems everyones got something better to do then spend some time with yours truly. Seems like yesterday that if I was in need of a good party buddy I could just call up Tom and he'd be over with a 12'r ready to go. Now that he got his new job though it seems like Tom's a little to busy to stop and hang with his ol pal Boosh. Everyday is "my boss wants this" or "I have to work until 11." God, it never ends with this guy.
To top it all off, I went into the bathroom today and found my last two rolls of toilet paper had jumped off the back of the tank and into the bowl. Maybe they couldn't stand the thought of being pressed against my ass, and if that's the case, who could blame them. I'm actually kind of glad, because I've been getting real sick of that particular brand, but I'll let you know more about that next time.
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