Monday, December 20, 2010

That's it, I'm retired.

Whats up players? It's been a few days since i hollered at ya, but I've been bedridden at the house. Seeing your life flash before your eyes does that to a man.  Things ain't always easy over here.

So anyways, I thought I was gonna die for about a day and a half.  It looked like ol boosh caught his final buzz and was going up to the big bar in the sky.  Turns out I wasn't dying, I was just really really hungover.  

You see, I went out to score some drinkin' money at LA Daves.  When I was walking out of there I saw none other then Bob and Matt in the parking lot.  Turns out they'd been drinking since noon and already had a sweet buzz goin.  Now boosh does a lot of things, but turning down a party ain't one of them.  So we decided to walk on down to Trader Joes and arm ourselves with a couple of sixers.  Since, as you already know, I am a man of classier tastes, I got a couple extra bottles of wine just to even the playing field.  

Turns out, drinking a cheap sixer and couple bottles of two dollar wine doesn't much agree with the body.  I spent the next two days contemplating suicide in between naps.  Once I woke up the only thing I had on my agenda was puking my fucking brains out.  Only then did I realize I had 6 hours to write a paper about Los Angeles before I flunked out of a community college english class.

Needless to say the paper I wrote probably isn't gonna be winning any Pulitzers.  I'm just glad I still remembered how to press send on my email before midnight, because the deadline was 12:01.

All in all, I think that a lesson was learned through all of this.  Sometimes the mind is willing, but the body is weak.  That, and if you see some of your friends drunk at two in the afternoon, it might not be the best decision to go hang out with them after.  

But hey, I'm a man of spontaneity.  You can only dangle that carrot in front of the horse for so long before he goes after it.  I guess that carrot just turned out to be a life changing hangover this time.  I wonder what those guys are doing tomorrow...

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